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Listen to FM38 on the WEB!

John Flanagan - 2013-02-23 02:01 - (10607 Reads)
Listen to FM38 Live!

Click here or on the red speaker and you should start hearing a 4-5 second delayed version of the traffic on FM38.

The stream is encoded with MPEG-1, Layer 3 audio, commonly referred to as "MP3". The bit rate of this broadcast stream is 16kbps which almost any modem connection to the Internet can receive.

Click on the Read More link to continue...

Streaming server offline

John Flanagan - 2009-10-27 01:08 - (31627 Reads)
The FM38 streaming audio server is offline until we complete our virtual server migration. The audio streams will be re-connected once this task is done.

Thanks for being patient!